Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hierarchy of Discounting

This was the topic of a presentation by Dr.Krishnamoorthi in the TMA meeting of 31st.March

What I could understand from the presentation is that a person begins writing his/her own life story (script) at a young age, as he/she tries to come to terms with the world and his place in it. The script is revised throughout life but the core story is decided upon by age 7. The 'drivers' for the script are the 'parent' figures as perceived by the child and the 'parent' 'child' responses which were found to be successful in coping with persons/situations. It passes out of awareness but his /her responses to self, others or situation continue to be governed by the Script. When such responses/reactions/behavior fails, conflict arises internally and externally.

The person ignores some aspects of reality in acting out the Script belief. This is called "discounting". Such discounting may not be observable but may have to be inferred. A discounting matrix as under is used to decide the exact area of discounting











Significance of



Significance of



Significance of





Changeability of



Solvability of



Viability of





Personal ability to

React differently


Personal ability to

Solve problems


Personal ability to

Act on problems

A discount in any of the box entails discount in

all the boxes to the right

ail the boxes below it

all the boxes on the same diagonal

The person may have access to information but is blanking it out intentionally or unintentionally. The aim is to convince the person that he need not follow the Script strategy decided upon in infancy. Hopefully, the person will succeed in coming to terms with the changed circumstance.

This is my understanding of what Dr.Krishnamoorthi said. As indicated in the earlier blog posting, he ended his presentation with a quote about changing things that can be changed and accepting others. I had some doubts about the theory of hierarchical discounting. It did not touch upon the influence of the genetic makeup in the formulation of the Script. Do beings have unfettered choice in the formulation of the script? Granted that the script is developed through a trial and error method of selecting a response or behavior pattern that succeeds in furthering the person's interests still the genetic make up of the person plays a great part in it.

The 'trigunas' which Gita talks about the sattva, rajas and tamas and the parent-adult-child of transactional analysis may not be much different. What the child would perceive as good, mediocre and ugly behavior; the parents behavior has to be good as they can do no wrong.

karyate hy avasha karma

Sarvah prakrtijair gunaih (3.5)

(Everyone is made to act helplessly by the impulses born of nature)

Sadrsam cestate svasyah

prakrter jnanavan api

prakrtim yanti bhutani

nigrahah kim karisyati (3.33)

(Even the man of knowledge acts in accordance with his own nature. Beings follow their nature. What can repression accomplish?)

Sattvam rajas tama iti

gunah prakritisambhavah

nibadhnanti mahabaho

dehe dehinam avyayam (14.5)

(the three gunas, goodness passion and dullness born of nature bind down in the body the imperishable dweller)

Yad ahamkaram aseitya

na yotsya iti manyase

mithyai'sa vyavasayas te

prakris twam niyoksyati (18.59)

(if indulging in self conceit, thou thinkest 'I will not fight'; vain is this, thy resolve. Nature will compel thee)

Svabhavajena kaunteya

nibaddhah svena karmana

kartun ne'cchasi yan mohat

karisyasy avaso'api tat (18.60)

(That which, through delusion, thou wishest not to do, that thou shalt do even against thy will, fettered by thy own acts born of thy nature.)

Lord Krishna does not use a Discount Matrix but the counseling he does is unmatched. The ultimate is when he leaves the onus of making the decision to Arjuna

karmarjitham poorva bhave sat'adi

yat tasya pankthim samabhivyanakthi

That is what Varaha Mihiran says. The 'sat' 'asat' and 'sat-asat' deeds of the ancestors culminates in the unchangeble(dr'da), changeble (adr'da) and intermediate (dr'da- adr'da) yogas which a native is ordained to undergo. The core aspects cannot be changed. The Script or a large part of it appears to be in place even while the child is in the womb.

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